Review by Ongakubaka
"It's a month into twenty fuckin' fifteen and the best thing I've listened to so far is a band called Rectal Hygienics. I know what you're thinking, and yeah, this can go one of two ways. No, they're not a joke. Yes, this is a terrifyingly heavy album. Honestly, adjectives like heavy, violent, and brutal don't really do this record justice. I saw a blog post or forum comment somewhere where Rectal Hygienics were referred to endearingly as "pigfuck." Is that a genre? I'm not sure, but it encapsulates their sound nicely. This is a steaming pile of pigfuck. Anyway, if you dig early Swans and you're looking for a modern band with songwriting chops and an abrasive, noise-sludge aesthetic, you've found it. Ultimate Purity will be out on Permanent Records February 17th on black and cum colored vinyl (because of course), and you can stream one of the tracks below via Soundcloud."
"It's a month into twenty fuckin' fifteen and the best thing I've listened to so far is a band called Rectal Hygienics. I know what you're thinking, and yeah, this can go one of two ways. No, they're not a joke. Yes, this is a terrifyingly heavy album. Honestly, adjectives like heavy, violent, and brutal don't really do this record justice. I saw a blog post or forum comment somewhere where Rectal Hygienics were referred to endearingly as "pigfuck." Is that a genre? I'm not sure, but it encapsulates their sound nicely. This is a steaming pile of pigfuck. Anyway, if you dig early Swans and you're looking for a modern band with songwriting chops and an abrasive, noise-sludge aesthetic, you've found it. Ultimate Purity will be out on Permanent Records February 17th on black and cum colored vinyl (because of course), and you can stream one of the tracks below via Soundcloud."
Review by Aquarius Records
"Not sure what you might expect from a band called Rectal Hygienics, but if you weren't expecting squalls of feedback, downtuned caveman riffage, buried drugged out vox, and blown out wasted heaviness, well then, you might be a bit disappointed. We however got exactly what we were expecting, and hoping for. Falling squarely somewhere between Brainbombs and Rusted Shut, late period Black Flag, and some mutant strain of slo-mo hardcore, these bruisers deliver some fucked up and fierce noise rock that lurches from psychedelic and freaked out jammage to pure Neanderthal churn, more often than not cramming those two together into something beastly and seriously bad ass. Easily one of our new favorite slabs of brain damaged brutality."
"Not sure what you might expect from a band called Rectal Hygienics, but if you weren't expecting squalls of feedback, downtuned caveman riffage, buried drugged out vox, and blown out wasted heaviness, well then, you might be a bit disappointed. We however got exactly what we were expecting, and hoping for. Falling squarely somewhere between Brainbombs and Rusted Shut, late period Black Flag, and some mutant strain of slo-mo hardcore, these bruisers deliver some fucked up and fierce noise rock that lurches from psychedelic and freaked out jammage to pure Neanderthal churn, more often than not cramming those two together into something beastly and seriously bad ass. Easily one of our new favorite slabs of brain damaged brutality."
Review by Manic Compression
"Rectal Hygienics is a four piece band from Chicago, Illinois who formed in the fall of 2012, by the looks of things. Rectal Hygienics play a blown-out, dirty, and raw style of punk and noise rock. Rectal Hygienics have a killer Am-Rep noise rock vibe, which automatically earns bonus points for the band as far as I'm concerned. Musically, Rectal Hygienics can be said to be influenced by bands such as Cows, Flipper, Melvins, and more current bands such as Walls, Moutheater, and Ken Mode. Ultimate Purity is the band's latest full-length LP, which was released via Permanent records on February 9th, 2015. Ultimate Purity features eight tracks of sludgy, raw, and dirty as fuck sounding punk and noise rock. Overall, Rectal Hygienics have absolutely nailed it on their latest album. My only regret is that I haven't checked out these dudes until now. Overall, Ultimate Purity is one album that you'd be stupid to miss. Highly recommended! Enjoy!"
"Rectal Hygienics is a four piece band from Chicago, Illinois who formed in the fall of 2012, by the looks of things. Rectal Hygienics play a blown-out, dirty, and raw style of punk and noise rock. Rectal Hygienics have a killer Am-Rep noise rock vibe, which automatically earns bonus points for the band as far as I'm concerned. Musically, Rectal Hygienics can be said to be influenced by bands such as Cows, Flipper, Melvins, and more current bands such as Walls, Moutheater, and Ken Mode. Ultimate Purity is the band's latest full-length LP, which was released via Permanent records on February 9th, 2015. Ultimate Purity features eight tracks of sludgy, raw, and dirty as fuck sounding punk and noise rock. Overall, Rectal Hygienics have absolutely nailed it on their latest album. My only regret is that I haven't checked out these dudes until now. Overall, Ultimate Purity is one album that you'd be stupid to miss. Highly recommended! Enjoy!"
Review by Empty Bottle:
"RECTAL HYGIENICS is also a disgusting band in all the ways we like. The sludgy four-piece will terrorize your eardrums as their lead singer screams, provokes and harasses your brain with his blithering nonsense. The horrific blend of doomy, feedback-drenched hardcore may very well induce a pants-shitting, but the warm feeling it leaves in your nether regions - and your heart - are well worth the mess you're left to clean up later."
"RECTAL HYGIENICS is also a disgusting band in all the ways we like. The sludgy four-piece will terrorize your eardrums as their lead singer screams, provokes and harasses your brain with his blithering nonsense. The horrific blend of doomy, feedback-drenched hardcore may very well induce a pants-shitting, but the warm feeling it leaves in your nether regions - and your heart - are well worth the mess you're left to clean up later."
Review by Delayed Gratification (Jordan Reyes):
"Have you ever kissed a loved one's tears at a moment of tenderness only to realize that, perversely, you enjoy their salty viscosity? Tears' perceived emotional heaviness is made actual by a density change with the addition of sodium. And when you begin to kiss the rest of your cherished one's face where the trace of saltwater makes slick trails of pain, are you kissing to sooth or to lap up one more drop of that tantalizing, cascading cocktail?
Rectal Hygienics is a band that sees the base of human behavior, where a lingering hug is the symptom of an underlying sexual craving, a smile conceals a forked tongue, and all the cellar doors in the world hide abuse and hurt and anguish. Let's not kid ourselves either: these are realities. The boogeymen and ghosts that lurked in our childhood closets pale in comparison to some of the very real people who walk our streets every day. These are the characters who haunt Ultimate Purity, Rectal Hygienics' sophomore LP, out February 17 on Permanent Records.
The record begins with a sampled exposition detailing an aberration men in high-powered positions of prestige often have. Without explaining the corruption, Rectal Hygienics launch into their dirge-laden noise rock while vocalist Matt Ibarra, seemingly level-headed, begins speaking. Ultimate Purity features a band willing to experiment with the formula that made Brainbombs infamous. Matt is unsatisfied with harsh barks of distaste; perhaps more disturbingly, he's going to try and coax you into camaraderie. You might even find yourself singing the mantra "Rid all emotion" along with him during "Esteem." Music this irredeemable shouldn't be so catchy.
So why should we acknowledge something so charged with darkness? Because the truth is that I find myself wondering why I shouldn't walk out of 7-Eleven without paying for my Coca-Cola or why I shouldn't stab the guy who cut me in line with my house key or what would happen if I pushed a stranger into oncoming traffic. Because there's a yin to every yang. And because we couldn't see in three dimensions without shadows. And because there are bullets not being fired in a gun range on the South side of Chicago. And because even though curiosity killed the cat, sometimes I spend minutes staring into a mirror trying to figure out what's staring back."
"Have you ever kissed a loved one's tears at a moment of tenderness only to realize that, perversely, you enjoy their salty viscosity? Tears' perceived emotional heaviness is made actual by a density change with the addition of sodium. And when you begin to kiss the rest of your cherished one's face where the trace of saltwater makes slick trails of pain, are you kissing to sooth or to lap up one more drop of that tantalizing, cascading cocktail?
Rectal Hygienics is a band that sees the base of human behavior, where a lingering hug is the symptom of an underlying sexual craving, a smile conceals a forked tongue, and all the cellar doors in the world hide abuse and hurt and anguish. Let's not kid ourselves either: these are realities. The boogeymen and ghosts that lurked in our childhood closets pale in comparison to some of the very real people who walk our streets every day. These are the characters who haunt Ultimate Purity, Rectal Hygienics' sophomore LP, out February 17 on Permanent Records.
The record begins with a sampled exposition detailing an aberration men in high-powered positions of prestige often have. Without explaining the corruption, Rectal Hygienics launch into their dirge-laden noise rock while vocalist Matt Ibarra, seemingly level-headed, begins speaking. Ultimate Purity features a band willing to experiment with the formula that made Brainbombs infamous. Matt is unsatisfied with harsh barks of distaste; perhaps more disturbingly, he's going to try and coax you into camaraderie. You might even find yourself singing the mantra "Rid all emotion" along with him during "Esteem." Music this irredeemable shouldn't be so catchy.
So why should we acknowledge something so charged with darkness? Because the truth is that I find myself wondering why I shouldn't walk out of 7-Eleven without paying for my Coca-Cola or why I shouldn't stab the guy who cut me in line with my house key or what would happen if I pushed a stranger into oncoming traffic. Because there's a yin to every yang. And because we couldn't see in three dimensions without shadows. And because there are bullets not being fired in a gun range on the South side of Chicago. And because even though curiosity killed the cat, sometimes I spend minutes staring into a mirror trying to figure out what's staring back."
Review by The Bleader 12 O'Clock Track | The Chicago Reader (Luca Cimarusti):
"Sludgey noise-rock locals Rectal Hygienics welcome their brand-new Permanent Records release tomorrow night with two in-town shows, the first of which is an all-ages, free in-store at Permanent. The new record, Ultimate Purity, showcases the band's twisted, heavy-handed Brainbombs worship, and today's 12 O'Clock Track is the first public glimpse at the damaged LP, "Grandeur." Employing the "play one riff over and over until it hurts" formula, the band smashes out the devastating, one-part song, its crushing tones and bad vibes steamrolling everything in its path. On top of it all is lead vocalist Matt Ibarra, spitting mean, distorted depravity. No dynamics, no melody, no pop sensibility—this is plain and simple old-fashioned sonic punishment that can destroy moods and eardrums with the best of the noise-rock greats. Rectal Hygienics are one of the gnarliest, most confrontational bands in Chicago right now, so this release event isn't one to miss."
"Sludgey noise-rock locals Rectal Hygienics welcome their brand-new Permanent Records release tomorrow night with two in-town shows, the first of which is an all-ages, free in-store at Permanent. The new record, Ultimate Purity, showcases the band's twisted, heavy-handed Brainbombs worship, and today's 12 O'Clock Track is the first public glimpse at the damaged LP, "Grandeur." Employing the "play one riff over and over until it hurts" formula, the band smashes out the devastating, one-part song, its crushing tones and bad vibes steamrolling everything in its path. On top of it all is lead vocalist Matt Ibarra, spitting mean, distorted depravity. No dynamics, no melody, no pop sensibility—this is plain and simple old-fashioned sonic punishment that can destroy moods and eardrums with the best of the noise-rock greats. Rectal Hygienics are one of the gnarliest, most confrontational bands in Chicago right now, so this release event isn't one to miss."
Review by Boston Hassle (Chris Defalco):
"Rectal Hygienics are a Chicago noise-rock quartet with a sound indebted to AmRep and featuring members of other Chicago bands like Sea Of Shit and Socially Retarded. The music is scuzzy, mid-tempo hardcore sludge riffing on into oblivion. At times Rectal Hygienics sounds like a mysterious-guy hardcore, My War B-side band; they are closer to acts like Twin Stumps, Pygmy Shrews, Rusted Shut, Drunks With Guns and especially Brainbombs. Repetitive, ugly music designed to drain you of your will to live. Ultimate Purity steps the sound up from 2013’s Even The Flies Won’t Touch You, with a bigger and heavier sound that loses none of the abrasiveness in its all-encompassing assault. Think early Swans playing Brainbombs at the Super Bowl halftime show. There are plenty of other stupid analogies out there, but think: “big,” “ugly,” “sludge,” and you’re pretty much there already. Ultimate Purity is out now on Permanent Records. Grab yourself a dose of nihilism and sexual frustration or a soundtrack for your worst drug trips."
"Rectal Hygienics are a Chicago noise-rock quartet with a sound indebted to AmRep and featuring members of other Chicago bands like Sea Of Shit and Socially Retarded. The music is scuzzy, mid-tempo hardcore sludge riffing on into oblivion. At times Rectal Hygienics sounds like a mysterious-guy hardcore, My War B-side band; they are closer to acts like Twin Stumps, Pygmy Shrews, Rusted Shut, Drunks With Guns and especially Brainbombs. Repetitive, ugly music designed to drain you of your will to live. Ultimate Purity steps the sound up from 2013’s Even The Flies Won’t Touch You, with a bigger and heavier sound that loses none of the abrasiveness in its all-encompassing assault. Think early Swans playing Brainbombs at the Super Bowl halftime show. There are plenty of other stupid analogies out there, but think: “big,” “ugly,” “sludge,” and you’re pretty much there already. Ultimate Purity is out now on Permanent Records. Grab yourself a dose of nihilism and sexual frustration or a soundtrack for your worst drug trips."
Review by Bearded Gentlemen Music (Brandon Perras):
"I love when a band encompasses all aspects of their aesthetic, and with a name like Rectal Hygienics, you can only imagine how this gift would be wrapped; the music sounds like the symptoms of Ebola, the lyrics/vocals are filthy and depraved, the album cover is some urine stained collage of images from old periodicals (that for some reason always look creepy), and Ultimate Purity sounds like it was recorded live in of one of those houses on Hoarders, where there is a mummified cat under every pile of phone books and a Cockroach Coachella under every pizza box-sardine can mountain.
Rectal Hygienics recently played here in Providence with Total Abuse. I couldn’t go, but I heard from quite a few people that Rectal Hygienics, like Cher, stole the show. After hearing all the praise I checked them out and really liked it. They sound like they would all look like the dude in Robocop that crashes into the vat of toxic waste and fit somewhere in the septicemic vein of Drunkdriver, early Clockcleaner, Brainbombs, Cherubs, some of the sludgier Pissed Jeans songs and The Sunglasses.
Ultimate Purity is mostly down tempo noise/sludge rock moving at the pace of raking a lake for a dead body, as heard in “Addicted to Filth”, “Dirty As Fuck”, and “When I’m Alone”. The guitars are crunched the fuck out and are constantly feeding back and squealing more than PETA footage; adding another layer of discourse to this audio slime. There are a few upbeat tracks on the record, the title track “Ultimate Purity” being my favorite, and “Suffocating”, that will surely get the party started, and when I say party, I mean when you’re at a basement show and you don’t step on broken glass, trip over a dog with a hemp collar or get face-whipped by a stinky dreadlock. (I took one in the mouth at a Melt Banana show back in 2003 and still can taste it).
I like Rectal Hygienics and Ultimate Purity, but would like to see more variance in the music, as some of the song structures and tempo got a little repetitive along with the same guitar sound. Rectal Hygienics have a lot of potential and I will definitely go see them if they come back here and will be keeping an eye out for more releases. To sum it all up, Ultimate Purity is the soundtrack to making a snow angel in medical waste to get rid of some of your scabies.
Rating: 4.5 out of 6 Doves While in the midst of sniffing his favorite Vanity 3 glove, Prince heard something that he thought he might like. Over the sound of wind chimes, Tibetan prayer bells, girls orgasming, and peacocks; Ultimate Purity was playing and it tickled him."
"I love when a band encompasses all aspects of their aesthetic, and with a name like Rectal Hygienics, you can only imagine how this gift would be wrapped; the music sounds like the symptoms of Ebola, the lyrics/vocals are filthy and depraved, the album cover is some urine stained collage of images from old periodicals (that for some reason always look creepy), and Ultimate Purity sounds like it was recorded live in of one of those houses on Hoarders, where there is a mummified cat under every pile of phone books and a Cockroach Coachella under every pizza box-sardine can mountain.
Rectal Hygienics recently played here in Providence with Total Abuse. I couldn’t go, but I heard from quite a few people that Rectal Hygienics, like Cher, stole the show. After hearing all the praise I checked them out and really liked it. They sound like they would all look like the dude in Robocop that crashes into the vat of toxic waste and fit somewhere in the septicemic vein of Drunkdriver, early Clockcleaner, Brainbombs, Cherubs, some of the sludgier Pissed Jeans songs and The Sunglasses.
Ultimate Purity is mostly down tempo noise/sludge rock moving at the pace of raking a lake for a dead body, as heard in “Addicted to Filth”, “Dirty As Fuck”, and “When I’m Alone”. The guitars are crunched the fuck out and are constantly feeding back and squealing more than PETA footage; adding another layer of discourse to this audio slime. There are a few upbeat tracks on the record, the title track “Ultimate Purity” being my favorite, and “Suffocating”, that will surely get the party started, and when I say party, I mean when you’re at a basement show and you don’t step on broken glass, trip over a dog with a hemp collar or get face-whipped by a stinky dreadlock. (I took one in the mouth at a Melt Banana show back in 2003 and still can taste it).
I like Rectal Hygienics and Ultimate Purity, but would like to see more variance in the music, as some of the song structures and tempo got a little repetitive along with the same guitar sound. Rectal Hygienics have a lot of potential and I will definitely go see them if they come back here and will be keeping an eye out for more releases. To sum it all up, Ultimate Purity is the soundtrack to making a snow angel in medical waste to get rid of some of your scabies.
Rating: 4.5 out of 6 Doves While in the midst of sniffing his favorite Vanity 3 glove, Prince heard something that he thought he might like. Over the sound of wind chimes, Tibetan prayer bells, girls orgasming, and peacocks; Ultimate Purity was playing and it tickled him."